What (Almost) Everyone Gets Wrong About Rural Voters
I made a new cartoon to explain why rural folk are how we are
Coming from rural upstate NY, I’m often frustrated by how some of my progressive and liberal comrades treat rural people—I got my first taste of this acutely during the fracking fights of the early 2000s, where city activists yelled at farmers willing to lease their land to frackers, in order to put food on the table, but who had no alternate plan for the same farmers to find economic stability. Phew, did I make a lot of enemies then!
About a year ago, I got the idea to do this cartoon, and yep, it’s taken me that long to hammer it all out. I wanted to take what I’ve learned from people who are in the trenches of rural organizing and hopefully compile it in a way that makes sense to the rest of the country. Let me know how I did? 😬
Oh: how delighted was I that my pal and co-worker,
, was willing to do the voiceover for it?! VERY. I got teary while listening to him record it, and imagined trying to tell my 20-year-old college self that this dude whose writing I’d just discovered and adored because he spoke like my people would one day voice a cartoon that I wrote and drew.One of the reasons I was able to finally hunker down and finish this work is that one of my main clients had an unexpected and sudden transition in their work, and thus, I now have an extra 20 hours a week or so on my hands. Know anyone that could use me? Here’s my LinkedIn post about what I’m looking for in the pay-me department.
It’s been a long and, at times, emotionally challenging year, but here’s to completing labors of love and new beginnings on this Labor Day weekend. Mwah, mwah.