I had guests visiting me here in NYC recently, who commented on how startling all the honking is, especially in Manhattan. I hadn't thought about it in a long time, and I realized, OMG, you don't know what we mean when we honk! So, here's my attempting at honking translation.
Also we have the honk and siren language of official cars “talking” to each other. Upper East Siders who live near the medical industrial complex can hear them chatting in boops and beeps throughout the night
Also we have the honk and siren language of official cars “talking” to each other. Upper East Siders who live near the medical industrial complex can hear them chatting in boops and beeps throughout the night
"Honk 'n' Siren" would be either a good band name, or a name of an entree on a menu at a diner in the middle of nowhere.